Thursday 19 April 2012

starting weight


weight loss

went on scales today 69.5 kg. this means that I have lost weight already. good.
WW scales said 70.7. but I think my scales may be a bit out.
I will wait until next Tuesday to find out what I have lost.

I am a bit scared that I won't lose weight. I have a fear of carbs
I have been eating some gluten and enjoyed the taste but have been getting aches and pains afterwards and a few days ago I had a bad headache after eating quite a lot of them.

Today I had 2 pieces of toast. Not sure if my extreme fatigue is related to gluten intolerance or to my autoimmune condition.

Im off to the dentist today to have a filling.. ahhh the needles ... Owh well, I guess I will have to just suck it up.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

exercise/ energy

Aim for 10,000 steps per day

Todays steps: 6071
Energy: moderate
Supps: TCM tabs + vit B complex

fat 2 fit, WW

Bought Fat 2 Fit book from Amazon, great advice regarding weight loss, diet and exercise.

Inspired me to join weight watchers.

Went to my first meeting tonight.

Current weight 70.7 kg.

Goal weight 54 kg.
Quite a way to go
If I lose 1 kg per week it should be 17 weeks until I get to 54 kg.

First goal: get to 66kg
second goal: 63
third: 59.95
Fourth: 57
Fifth: 55
Sixth 54
Seventh: maintain

Sunday 15 April 2012

Blueprint for Success

5'2 petite, size 8 woman
Lean and toned
Fit and healthy
Vibrant, energetic and positive
confident and successful
Beautiful clothes
Clear skin

I work in the health field
I eat healthy vibrant foods
I exercise daily

(source: B.Cashell, 2009)

Planning ahead for a new start

Tomorrow I start back on a low carb diet, gluten free and sugar free

Wearing pedometer- 10,000 steps per day.

Wake up early and go for walk.

Drink 2 -3 ltr water

Vitamin E

Chinese herbs